Wednesday, January 9, 2008

AGE: Totally New Plan!

I've completely changed my plans since leaving my teaching job at Dover-Sherborn, but that was kind of the idea. I didn't leave Dover-Sherborn because I wanted to get a master's degree; I left because I wanted to try new things. This fall I tried graduate school, but it just wasn't doing it for me. So now I'm taking a job with the Academy for Global Exploration ( I will be teaching English, physics, and environmental science while traveling to different parts of the world. American students who are enrolled in normal public and private high schools come to AGE for a semester or a year and continue their studies while traveling the world. The program always spends about two months outside of the country. I fly out to Oregon on Monday to start the Spring semester. This semester will have us in Oregon for 2 weeks, skiing in Japan for 6 weeks, a 2 week vacation, then rock-climbing in the American southwest (California, Nevada, Arizona) for 5 weeks before we finish back up in Oregon for the last 2 or 3 weeks. My last day is May 25th. If everything goes well, I will stay on for next year. Stay tuned for updates, but as of right now, this fall is surfing in Central America or rock climbing in Peru! Check out my bio at, and keep an eye on and this blog as I'll be updating it regularly during the semester. I also hope to help the program with their website and recruiting, so spread the word!! Whole hog!

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